No dark sarcasm in the classroom…hey, teachers, leave them kids alone! Truth be told, foundational secondary school education is a great privilege offered in our society and it is a massive driver of economic growth worldwide—especially in developing countries.
An investment in education is an investment in human capital, no different than—from an economic point of view—investment in land, production technology, or heavy equipment. It is an established fact that countries with more educated populations see faster economic development as literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking benefit, not only the individual, but society as a whole. Economists call this a "positive spillover," or a "positive externality."
All that being said, a little playful (and timeless) rock-and-roll during a high school demolition project never hurt anyone either; hard work and careful diligence can still be paired with some fun!

Here at MGI Construction, we are avid and enthusiastic to be working on a current project at Brockton High School, located at 90 Croatia St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sited in a residential area on the south side of Bloor Street between Dufferin and Lansdowne, Brockton High is a 200,000 sq. ft. four-level building originally constructed in 1966. Hard rock and heavy metal are central to this project, with asbestos abatement taking place and structural demolition soon to follow, involving the building's precast and cast-in-place concrete, steel trusses, and a support system of steel beams and columns. Post-demolition, the basement of the school will be backfilled to make way for new construction.
We are delighted to be working with the Toronto District School Board as a direct client on this project. Substantial completion is scheduled for August of this year—giving new meaning to ‘finals.'
1. Pink Floyd. “Another Brick in the Wall.” Columbia (US)