In the 21st century, there is a host of informational resources on great leaders that influenced world movements. British-born American author and inspirational speaker Simon Sinek talks about a powerful model. He talks about how this model drives society to care about three circle elements (think of it like a jawbreaker—yes, the candy) when you are trying to influence or sell something to them. Those three elements starting from the inner circle outward is “Why,” “How,” and “What.”
Sinek talks about how major companies all around the world utilize this model by starting with what they sell; how it will impact their life, and lastly, why they should make the purchase—in that order what, how, and why.
But to be inspiring and drive someone to make a change, he talks about how you must work from the inside out, in the order: why, how, what.
By working from the inside out, it allows companies to excite the element of emotion, thus touch upon many of the parts that make us human. Great communication, leadership, and loyalty will all follow.