95! Market Drive! This building expansion is going to thrive!
In addition to being great and inspiring poetry, the above three statements are also factually accurate. MGI Construction Corp. is currently hard at work with a ~275,600 square foot industrial building expansion project at 95 Market Drive in the fine city of Milton. Our work includes site preparation and grading, site servicing works on the building as well as on a 13-acre vacant land area behind it.
The expansion will add two units of respectively 134,400 square feet and 141,200 square feet to the existing building, which will be separated by a demising wall in between. The structure consists of an engineered steel framed assembly with metal roof deck system and 16’ clear height, and a concrete spread footing system with perimeter foundation wall and 40 truck load docks, and 8” slab-on-grade laid over 8” of 19mm crusher-run limestone (placed by MGI.)