Dropping one’s child off for their first day at elementary school can be an emotional experience for many parents. After nearly half a decade of carefully choosing the most appropriate TV shows and movies for the child to watch, meticulously selecting the most character-supporting books to read to them, and having a general sense of security that the child's development is in the parents' hands, at this point parents must step back and allow their child's sphere of influence to expand to include their teacher, other adults at the school, and—likely much more terrifying—whatever random maniac other kids happen to be in the child’s class.
While this time can be difficult, it is also an important one for a child. In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, a child can now begin to become a social being, to expand their curiosity about themselves and the world around them, and, of course, to have access to all of the delicious glue their little heart could ever desire. (MGI Construction Corp. does not endorse the feeding of glue to children.)

MGI is excited to be contributing to future development with a current demolition project at Breadner Elementary School in Trenton, Ontario, Canada. The 1949-built school is a single storey, 4,252 sq. m., load-bearing masonry structure with no basement. Its foundation consists of concrete spread footings and concrete foundation walls, and its exterior is finished with brick veneer. There is an asphalt paved parking area on the east and west sides of the building, as well as asphalt paved schoolyards on the north and south sides, and a grass playing field to the north of the building beyond the asphalt schoolyard.
MGI is proud to be aiding in the development of the buildings (and in a small way thus the minds) of the future.