Sometimes called ‘Sin City,' Las Vegas has a certain stereotype in many people's minds. In imagining a trip there, one might think of dressing up like Elvis, losing the family savings at the blackjack table, and then finishing off one's last bottle of gin while swimming in a swan-shaped hotel fountain with Carrot Top and Berry Manilow (both, perhaps, also dressed as Elvis).
At its heart, however, Las Vegas is just like any other city. The people who live there are joggers, dog walkers, woodworkers, and soccer moms. Each day, office workers, firefighters, school teachers, and construction workers all press the same buttons on their alarm clocks and their coffee makers and get ready for another honest day of work. When these Nevadans think about their city, they think about their families, their friends, their jobs, and their communities. Should they run into to Cher at the post office, well, that’s just a bonus.
At MGI Construction Corp, when we think about Las Vegas, naturally, we think about one thing: excavator attachments. That’s because the recent Caterpillar Inc. Premier Customer Event we attended there showcased many of the company’s leading excavator attachment products.
Founded in 1925, Caterpillar Inc. is a Fortune 100 corporation serving heavy equipment, engines, and financial services worldwide. It was a pleasure to meet with representatives from CAT, a company whose grapples, rippers, hammers, and bucket excavators we make use of on many projects. At the end of an exceptional day of networking and collaboration, a few responsibly-enjoyed old-fashions and spins of the roulette wheel were a lot of fun as well!
1. For photos of this event, visit our Facebook photo gallery here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/mgicorporation/photos/?tab=album&album_id=797762240620037.