At times, the great fears of rejection, failure, or competition, have led some to purposely sidestep or fade into the background when opportunities have been presented to themselves. These fears affect us daily and take a toll on our thought processes.
Breaking out of our comfort zone will ultimately take us to a life that is more promising and fruitful. Gaining some confidence will open doors and knock down walls to opportunities you believed you could never have. The following is a short list of signs you need to break out your comfort zone.
1. Viewing your Support as Overzealous
Chances are your family and friends were surprised when you turned down an awesome opportunity. Their reaction can sometimes be overwhelming, but it's most likely that they have more confidence in your abilities and character then you yourself. This can be the most obvious sign that you may need to break out of your comfort zone.
2. Escapism through Dreaming
Ever catch yourself doing some 'feel-good' daydreaming yet never following through? Well, this also demonstrates the need to break out your comfort zone. If time after time, you make plans, accept offers, etc, then retract them or go ghost-mode, these are sure-fire signs you need to break out of your comfort zone.
3. Excessively Regretful
Another compelling sign you need to break out of your comfort zone is the presence of regret—regret that stems from passing up opportunities you deemed worthy but never took them up. Sometimes this regret can arise when someone you know or idolize had performed identical or similar actions you passed up.
4. ‘Talking the Talk’ but not ‘Walking the Walk’
Another sign that you need to break out of your comfort zone is that you enthusiastically express your goals with others, but have not actively made steps or sacrifices to toward achieving them—which inherently becomes a fantasy.
5. You Want Out
Lastly, contemplating giving up your goal is a sign you need to break out of your comfort zone. This occurs because safe zones are comfort zones yet inhibit our potential. It's a hard pill to swallow, but we need to understand that life is full of mistakes, embarrassment, discomfort, and awkwardness. They are what make our moments of success so brilliant.